Thursday, June 16, 2011

Big Bucks Big Pharma AstraZeneca Seroquel - Selling America a bad pill of goods - disease mongering

 Hat Tip to Pharmagossip

Big Bucks Big Pharma AstraZeneca makers of Seroquel - Selling America a bad pill of goods - disease mongering for profit - it's about your health

1 comment:

  1. As the viewer can determine; this documentary is a little dated...and does not include the latest surge in atypical anti-psychotics, Avandia, and many other dangerous drugs now in the news and market place...How much has really changed...very little actually..lots of empty words & almost no substantive action..

    The FDA is still a slave to big pharma, and our elected representatives are still raking in huge amounts of cash from the pharmacuetical lobby that sends a clear message of who they are working's not for you or America...


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